John Conway invites you to the launch of his new book:

A History of Painting

(With Dinosaurs)

Anatomy Lecture Theatre, Kings College, Strand, London, WC2R 2LS,
at 5:30–7:30pm on Saturday the 19th of November

The launch is full! Sorry you missed out, but you will be able to buy the book on Amazon in the coming days.

Ever wondered what it would be like if the great artists of history had painted dinosaurs? Well what if it turns out they did, and we now have the evidence? Find out with Dr Will Tattersdill (Senior Lecturer in Popular Literature, Liberal Arts, and Natural Sciences at the University of Birmingham) and John Conway (no fixed title) at the launch of A History of Painting (With Dinosaurs), and enjoy the talks, book signing, and most importantly, the free drinks.